Causes of a Panic Attack and Some Hidden Dangers around Us

September 13, 2021

A panic attack is an abrupt outbreak of severe anxiety that impetuses drastic bodily effects when there is no actual threat or evident reason. Panic attacks can be exceptionally startling. During panic attacks, one perceives one is renouncing control, having a heart attack, or even dying. Many normal people encounter one or two panic attacks in their entire lifetime. But if someone faces frequent panic attacks, suffers from continual anxiety of another attack, one must be confronting a disorder known as panic disorder.

Panic Attacks

What are the main causes of Panic Attacks?

Even modern medical advancements are not able to answer the fundamental causes of panic attacks but the following factors play a key role.

  • Major anxiety that has become chronic
  • Genetics (though it is not firmly established)
  • Specific alterations in the manner parts of the brain function
  • More susceptible temperament to anxiety or prone to negative emotions
  • Too much exposure to mobile phones and the internet

Panic attacks may occur unexpectedly for the first time, without any indication. But with passing time, panic attacks are often accelerated by specific circumstances. The fear of another panic attack acts as one of the key causes of panic attacks. So, a panic attack

What are the key symptoms of Panic Attacks?

Panic attacks get triggered suddenly, without any warning. Panic attacks can get triggered at any time. One may face frequent panic attacks or occasional panic attacks. But the following symptoms are more or less the same for every panic attack. The symptoms are:-

  • Chills
  • Perspire
  • Fear of loss of control or death
  • Hot flashes
  • Repugnance
  • Accelerated heartbeat
  • Chest pain
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Dizziness
  • Numbness

symptoms of Panic Attacks

One of the worst things about panic attacks is one will always fear facing another panic attack.

What are the risk factors that trigger Panic Attacks?

Several factors may fuel the risk of panic attacks. They are:-

  • Family history of panic disorder
  • History of childhood sexual abuse
  • Excessive smoking and drinking
  • Major stress in personal and professional life
  • Facing family problems like illness, divorce, death, and so on.

How constant radiation exposure can lead to psychological disorders?

There are numerous ways in which psychological disorders may arise due to constant radiation exposure. Radiation is a hidden danger to humans. Constant radiation exposure such as Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and Geopathic Stress (GS) can direct psychological stress and can act as a trigger to cause panic attacks. Emotional trauma may encompass insomnia, attention problems, sadness over lost loved ones, and unexpected panic attacks. Radiation to the brain can have side effects that may show up much later. These lead to serious psychological disorders such as loss of memory, stroke-like symptoms, poor function of the brain, and so on.