Fast Heart Rate Treatment: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

December 24, 2020

It’s much important to think of fast heart rate treatment to get heart health back to normal. Many a time our heart beats faster than a normal rate for various reasons. We know that the heart generally beats much faster while having intense physical activity such as exercise. We also experience the racing heart when we are under stress and trauma and while in certain medical conditions. However, if the heart rate is faster even while resting, it does imply serious concerns. 

The normal heart rate for any healthy person is 60 to 100 beats per minute (BPM). Above 100 BPM (the resting heart rate) is termed as Tachycardia whereas the BPM below 60 is called Bradycardia. When the heart beats faster, it pumps blood slowly and hence the low blood supply to the body as well as the heart itself depriving the entire body of oxygen.

What Are The Causes of A Faster Heart Rate?

A pounding heart is not a new phenomenon. Many of us experience this due to the fast-paced life in today’s corporate world. Various stress triggers cause irregular heartbeats and there is no need to worry about that if it’s an occasional affair. But, the rapid heartbeats even while the heart is resting is a serious concern that can lead to various health issues including cardiovascular diseases. 

The faster heart rate can occur due to the disruption of the electrical conduction system that controls the heart and the causes for that disruption can be – 

 Anemia, Alcohol abuse, Consumption of caffeinated beverages in excess, Cardiovascular diseases, Certain medications, Exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR), Hypertension (high blood pressure), Pregnancy, Smoking, Sudden stress, Substance abuse, Hyperthyroidism, Electrolyte imbalance, Congenital anomalies in the heart, etc. 

Symptoms of Tachycardia (Faster Heartbeat)

Fast heartbeat in normal conditions is discernible through many symptoms. Some people feel their heart is pounding or racing. In tachycardia, the body starves of oxygen and hence it shows the following tachycardia-related symptoms.

    • Palpitation – Irregular heartbeat on having skipped or added an extra heartbeat. It is felt in the chest and neck. 
    • Dizziness (Lightheadedness)
    • Fainting – Also known as Syncope
    • Shortness of breath
    • Chest pain – Tightness, pressure, and pain in the chest (Angina)
    • Pain in the jaw, neck, upper back, or arms
    • Fatigue and  confusion
    • In extreme cases, people may experience unconsciousness or cardiac arrest

Fast Heart Rate Treatment

After someone shows the above symptoms due to the fast heart rate, the first stage of treatment obviously starts with a proper diagnosis. A physician will conduct a few physical as well as laboratory tests such as – 

    • Electrocardiogram (ECG): The electrical and muscular activities of the heart, as well as the duration of the heartbeat, are measured through an ECG test.
    • Echocardiogram: This is an imaging test in which the sound waves are used to form an image of the heart to monitor the functioning of the heart.
    • Imaging Tests: There are various imaging tests such as MRI Scan, CT Scan, and Chest X-ray. These tests help doctors to monitor the heart in more detail.
    • Stress Test: A physical stress test is conducted to study the heart activity while the individual is walking on a treadmill.
    • Tilt Table Test: This test monitors the behavior and reaction of an individual’s heart and nervous system to a sudden change in angle. 
    • Electrophysiological Testing and Mapping: This test measures the electrical impulses to see if there is an error in the heart circuit. The electrical impulses regulate the heartbeat.

Diagnosis Is Followed By Fast Heart Rate Treatment

Treatment is mainly focused on controlling and getting back the heart rate back to normal by treating the underlying causes as discussed earlier. The individual with tachycardia symptoms may go through the following options of treatment –

    • Ablation Therapy: If the underlying cause is an “extra electrical pathway”, the physicians go with Ablation Therapy and destroy the spot that causes a rapid heartbeat. This is done by “inserting catheters with electrodes via blood vessels into the specific spot in the heart that causes tachycardia”
    • ICD (Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator): In a situation with greater risk, ICD is used to stimulate the heart to restore it to normal heartbeat and rhythm.
    • Vagal Maneuvers: Certain movements such as coughing and holding breath affect the vagus nerve, the nerve that interfaces with and controls the heartbeat. These recommended movements are referred to as vagal maneuvers.
    • Maze Procedure: If the reason for tachycardia is “stray radiations”, maze procedure treatment is recommended. The procedure involves a few incisions in the upper heart. The incisions form scars on healing and restrict the transmission of electrical impulses.
    • Cardioversion: When the other treatment options do not work, the heart is restored to a normal heartbeat by giving an electrical shock.
    • Medications: The above treatments involve medication to restore the heartbeat to normal.

Preventive Measures To Avoid The Possibility of A Faster Heart Rate or Tachycardia

As the famous age-old proverb connotes – “prevention is better than cure”, it’s always beneficial to avoid falling prey to a disease rather than getting into the complications and the episodes of stress and trauma after the occurrence of a disease. What are those a few easy measures to prevent the occurrence of tachycardia at all? Take a look below –

    • Ease on stresses – Learn techniques to cope up with the stress and have a positive approach towards the outer world.
    • Cut on alcohol, nicotine (tobacco consumption), caffeinated beverages, illegal drugs, cough & cold syrups (use cautiously on doctor’s advice only, etc.)
    • Avoid stimulative medications
    • Quit smoking – Smoking has been proved to be one of the main factors for heart-related disease.
    • Do physical exercise regularly 
    • Eat healthily.
    • Lose weight – Obese person is prone to many diseases including cardiovascular diseases.
    • Maintain normal cholesterol level and blood pressure
    • Keep the harmful electromagnetic radiation at bay. Use certified radiation protection products to nullify the harm factor. The wireless communication devices generate electromagnetic radiation (EMR). And, this EMR causes a higher level of stress as well as irregular heartbeats including other serious health issues.